Lakehead Rotarians presented the annual TERRY FOX RUN in Thunder Bay on Sunday, September 15th.jpg)
The Terry Fox Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions around the world in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox, and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research. The first Terry Fox Run was held on September 13, 1981 and is held annual on the second Sunday in September.
The 44th annual TERRY FOX RUN in Thunder Bay will be held on Sunday, September 15th.
This year we have the run start and end at a new location, Current River Rec Centre and continue the tradition to honour his legacy and continue his “Marathon of Hope”. Registration began on site at 1:00 p.m. with the Run starting at 2:00 p.m.
Lakehead Rotarians co-ordinate the Run led by Rotarian Don Morrison. Rotary volunteers, family members and friends work the registration tables, provide water at stations along the route. All ages participate in the Run including babes in strollers, cyclists, roller-blade skaters, first-time joggers, and experienced marathoners. Many “runners” bring their puppies for a run or walk. It’s a non-competitive event and everyone completes the course at their own pace.
Lakehead Rotary is honoured to be entrusted with the co-ordination of the annual Terry Fox Run and 100% of all donations turned in at the Run are forwarded to the Terry Fox Foundation. The first run held in Thunder Bay was hosted by the 3 local Rotary Clubs and Lakehead Rotary took on exclusive co-ordination of the Run the following year…and has been doing this ever since. And Rotarian Don Morrison has been our Club’s leader for this event for 33 years.
T shirts are available for $25, contact Don Morrison to get yours!